SPHS Educational Apps!

Welcome to the SPHS Educational App platform! Build for touch screen devices, with a focus on the Promethean boards found in SPHS elementary schools. All of these apps have been coded by SPHS students with the inquiry focus of: "how can we create interactive educational experiences for elementary students using touch focused coding on the Construct platform?" All apps created with either student created or royalty free graphics, sounds, and fonts using Construct. Created in Mrs. York's "Animation & Game Design" class. Have ideas for apps? Suggestions for what to teach? Interested in adding an app to the service? Want to collaborate with her classes? Email Mrs. York your ideas today!

2024 Games for Fourth Graders for Dyer:

Minecraft Math!
How good are your multiplication skills?

Memory Maze
Can you figure out the maze?

You learn all sorts of things in fourth grade. Test your skills here!

Never Eat Soggy Waffles
Do you know your directions? If you do- the waffle won't get dunked!

Car Math
Can you drive the car with your math skills? Good luck!

The Angles Adventure
How good are you at identifying angles? Try this game out and see!

Online Safety
Are you aware of how to be safe online? Play this interactive game to check your skills!

Stop the Cyberbully
Do you know what cyberbullying looks like? See if you can answer the prompts correctly in this game!

Vector's Birthday Game
Using angles- help Vector reach his destination: the cake!

Cheese Maze
Can you escape the math using cardinal directors?

Device Free Day
Can you make it through the day of notifications? Click before they hit you! Good luck!

Division with Shrek
How are your division skills? Test it with Shrek!

Cardinal Madness
How well do you know your cardinal directions?

Measure the Angles
Can you use a protractor to measure the angles?

Minecraft Math
More division and multiplication with Minecraft! 

Batman Math
In Portuguese! Can you tell if angles are obtuse or acute?

Paws Multiply
How good are you at multiplication? Try this game!

State Namer
Can you identify where the states are in the country? Good luck!

Maps & Directions
How good are you at using directions?Try it out!

Flappy Math
Flappy bird- but with pauses for math checks! Good luck reaching the end!

Space Math!
Test your math skills with Space Math!

Map Maker
Enjoy this map making game!

Math Blox

How far can you go?
2019 Shape & Pattern Theme Games for Dyer:

Pattern Scramblers

Can you complete the patterns? Choose from different popular themes and complete the patterns!

Circle or Square?

These animals are shaped like circles or squares! How quickly can you tell which shape they are?

Shape Puncher

Can you punch the shapes before they hit you? Match the shapes as they fall!

Shape Matcher

A two player game to see who can match the shape first.

Spot the Difference

Can you see what's different in each picture? Good luck!

Shape Hunter

Can you find the shapes?

Chaser Shape

Can you click on the shapes the game is asking for?

Pattern Planets

The spaceship is looking for specific patterned planets- can you help it land safely?

Shape Finder

Memorize the pattern and find the picture to earn points!

Master of Shapes

Can you move the shapes into the bins they belong in?


Can you find the shapes you're asked to find?

Shape Terms

Learn how to say the words for shapes in different languages!

Shape Builder

Help build images using shapes!

Prior Games:

Nature Hunt

A discovery game with information about what you can find in the Maine woods. Non-competitive, learning game! Can you find all 15 hidden objects?

Paint World

A paint game coded from scratch; with color identification and shape ID as the focus of learning.

Riot Hockey

A simple table hockey app themed for the Red Riots. Track and learn about the puck's angle of motion as you play!

Shape Search

Select the shape that matches the word.

State ID

Puzzle the US together with fun facts and state names and shapes!

Shape Builder

Learn shapes and sounds as you build to your heart's content!

Color Mixing

Try to mix colors to see if you can make something new! Color and word identification!

Color Scramble

Can you match the color with the word?

Animal ID

Can you identify the animal? Word identification with animal words as the focus!

Defeat the Odds

Do you know your even numbers? Help collect them all! Don't collect an odd number or you'll lose a life!
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Coming Soon! Coming Soon! Coming Soon! Coming Soon! Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Coming Soon! Coming Soon! Coming Soon! Coming Soon! Coming Soon! Coming Soon!

Project Photos!

Students testing their games as they develop them on a promethean board. May 2019.